You can do a lot in 12 months..or not










A lot can happen in a year.

You can train for a marathon. You can lose twenty Kilos. You can move to the beach. Escape beach life for the mountains. Have a baby, write a book, start a new business. Ditch a bad habit. Take up a good one.

The possibilities are endless

But you know what…

The opposite is also true.

Very little can happen in a year if you limit yourself.

Every day you hear of insane success stories that all happened in the span of one year.

One Business owner went from $45k per month to over $110k  per month in one year. Plus he started a second business which is also running at a profit.

Another business owner  set his goal to improve productivity by 10% but when he measured it and worked on the strategies he increased in by a massive 40%. The team complete more work in less time which means he can take on more clients at no extra cost. The profit from that goes straight to his bottom line (back pocket!)

Or that one business who increased his prices by only 10% over 12 months, generating enough income to take his family on the holiday of a lifetime.

And they did it all in one year.

12 months.

52 short weeks.

365 little days.

What could YOU do in that amount of time?

I’ll tell you: just about anything you want.

To get you moving if you’d like to do a complimentary Planning Session with me to get you on the track click here to book a 10 minute call to see if it is a a fit for you

Think Big, Act Small

Big goals are accomplished with small actions. Planned and intentional actions. You can’t say, “Okay Ian, I want to build the best business in my niche by next year” and then start working on it 11 months later.

You need to think big goals, small actions.

And here’s how you do it:

Set one major goal for the year.

This might be a revenue goal. Or building your client base. Or having a rock star web site that makes A-Grade clients want to pound your doors down. The point is, don’t overwhelm yourself with a laundry list of huge goals. Set only one really big goal.

Figure out what you have to do each month to achieve the year’s goal.

You need to know what you’ll need to accomplish every month to keep you on track. Maybe it’s making 100 more contacts a month. Or attending one conference or networking event. Or building one part of a web site. The monthly goals might change throughout the year, but all of them should roll up into the yearly goal.

Decide on the weekly activities that will allow you to achieve the monthly goals.

There are approximately 4 weeks in a month. Every week you have to do something that drives you toward the monthly goal. If your goal is 100 more contacts per month, then you need to make an additional 25 contacts every week.

If the monthly goal is a trade show or event, you’ll need to make travel plans and get your materials together before you go. Your weekly activities should support your monthly goals.

Finally, mind your daily activities.

No surprise that all this drilling down leads to the daily stuff. But what might surprise you is this: it’s what you do every day that determines whether you’ll meet your goal for the week, the month and the year.

For example, if you need to make 25 new contacts this week, but you let yourself get bogged down in fixing the copy machine, you’re behind already. Now you’ll have to make ten calls tomorrow.

Chances are, you’ll get distracted again. Within a very short time you’re off track. Your daily goals support your weekly, monthly and yearly goals. Mind them well.

The real key to making the big goals happen is setting smaller goals that will get you there.

Big goals. Small actions.

Set an operating schedule instead of deadlines. Work toward the big goal by consistently meeting the smaller ones.

Get help if you need it. Find out about a free Business Planning Session

So where will you be in twelve months? Next month? Next week? Tomorrow?

Think about it.

Plan for it.

Work toward it.

Daily. Weekly. Monthly.

You could be the next rock star success story….


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